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Treating Acute Joint Injuries with Acupuncture in NYC

Acute injury is often characterized by sudden pain following physical trauma.

Symptoms of Acute Injury

  • Intense pain
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Limited mobility around the injured area.

How We Use Acupuncture to Treat Acute Injury in NYC

The RICE protocol is often used during this stage to reduce swelling and manage pain. Within the practice of acupuncture, we view these injuries as a blood stagnation pattern. The symptoms of blood stagnation are intense localized pain and swelling. At our midtown NYC acupuncture clinic, I often treat these injuries with instantaneous results. In general acupuncture helps promote blood circulation by removing physical blocks in functional regions of anatomy.

In acute trauma, especially regarding swollen joints the principles of treatment differ. Our acupuncturists at CSC+M may employ standard acupuncture techniques to remove obstructions in tissue planes in addition to an even more effective therapy for this condition, bleeding cupping. I know it may sound a little barbaric and out of date, but often times after this procedure, there is a dramatic decrease in swelling and pain immediately after the procedure. By removing stagnant blood in the effected area, we promote circulation and reduce discomfort and pressure within the effected joint. During this stage, the RICE protocol can be used (as long as the ice doesn’t aggravate pain) for the first 24- 48 hours following the injury.

Sub Acute Trauma Stage

During this stage the pain is not as intense, but there may be residual stiffness within the joint as well as decreased mobility. In addition to acupuncture I recommend utilizing heat applications in addition to warm herbal plasters. Heat applications include heating pads, applications of moist heat, herbal soaks, and moxibustion. Moxibustion is a technique where the herb mugwort is heated producing a gentle warming sensation. This technique enables heat to penetrate the surrounding tissue in a deeper manner, which enables it to recover.

The healing mechanism of acupuncture always involves promoting blood circulation. Herbal plasters have the same properties. They contain warm blood circulating herbs, which alleviate pain and promote healing to injured areas. Our goal during this stage is to facilitate normal function to injured tissues. This will involve strengthening weak muscles, increasing joint stability, and improving mobility. During this stage other modalities will be utilized such as physical therapy to reach our desired goals.

At CSC+M in NYC, integrative therapy is our greatest strength. In addition to acupuncture, we have an incredible team of chiropractors, physical therapists, trigger point specialists, and massage therapists. We will create the best treatment plan to get you back on the fast track to doing what you love!

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