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Best IV Drips for Summers in New York

As Summer Fridays and warmer temperatures creep into NYC this summer, many of us will find ourselves presented with an overwhelming number of sun-filled activities: relaxing out on Rockaway Beach, taking a jog through the concrete jungle or planning a picnic in beautiful Central Park. And while the warmer weather brings us an array of exciting activities, it’s important to maintain good nutrition and hydration to prevent ourselves from getting run down in the summer heat.

While diet and exercise play critical roles in one’s overall health and well-being, so do nutrients, amino acids, electrolytes, and vitamins.

Vitamin Drips in Midtown

At Center for Spine Care and Mobility, we believe in delivering these ingredients by utilizing the most effective, bioavailable way possible – Intravenous (I.V.) Drips! We offer a slew of different IV vitamin drips at our Midtown clinic.

Taking supplements orally can result in up to 50% of the nutritional value being lost due to the digestive process resulting in a less than ideal absorption by the blood stream. This can be avoided by using an IV drip to directly administer supplements into the blood stream to ensure your body is absorbing 100% of the elements.

I.V. Drips can be beneficial for nearly everyone as they are customizable to meet each patient’s needs. A session can last between 30-60 minutes and patients are encouraged to read, work on their laptops, or simply nap while the infusion takes place.

Not sure which option is best for you? Here’s an overview as to what we offer:

Spent the weekend working on your tan in the Hamptons? Try our REHYDRATE IV DRIP.

This drip consists of a mix of normal saline (salt water) and lactated ringers (crystalloid solution with salt, potassium, and calcium that is most closely to our body’s blood serum concentration) and works to replenish, rebalance, and detoxify our bodies. Best used if feeling dehydrated, recovering from a stomach virus or post-strenuous exercise (Soul Cycle, anyone?)

Just got coughed on during your subway commute to work? Try our IMMUNITY IV DRIP.

This drip delivers high doses of vitamin C, B-complex vitamins and zinc that work in unison to prevent oxidative stresses, breakdown fats and proteins in our foods and prevent the invasion of pathogens. Best used as soon as cold symptoms start, before or after long travel or when everyone at the office seems to be coming down with someone.

Finally decided to sign up for the NYC Marathon? Try our PERFORMANCE IV DRIP.

This drip packs a punch! It consists of B-vitamins to help breakdown fats, the amino acid, Carnitine, that aids in muscle recovery and Taurine, a required building block of protein. There is also the option to add Toradol, an anti-inflammatory medication, to really help decrease muscle pain and soreness. Best used before and/or after a competition or race.

Feeling a little run down from all the hustle and bustle of NYC? Try our MYERS COCKTAIL IV DRIP.

Named after Dr. John Myers, this IV drip is used to target chronic inflammatory conditions and illnesses by reducing inflammation, stress, and fatigue. It contains vitamin C to help prevent oxidative stress on the cells, B-vitamin complex to promote the health of the neurological system, Magnesium to regulate muscle and nerve function, and calcium to support the skeletal structure. Best used to boost overall wellness, when feeling stressed or fatigued, or when your yoga class just isn’t getting you zen enough.

So, whether you’re in need of a little boost, find yourself having been talked into joining a beach volleyball league or simply want to feel your best before jet-setting off to your summer vacation destination, come see what CSC+M and our IV Drips can do for you.

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