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Home Exercises for Low Back Pain

Secondary to this pandemic, we are now allotted excessive free time for exercising!

In the video below I demonstrate some more advanced exercises for low back pain. These exercises are excellent if you are trying to get back into the gym.

If you’re experiencing low back pain, our physical therapy office in NYC is now open, and we’re accepting new patients! Give us a call at (212) 475-8104 to schedule an appointment.

Advanced Exercises for Low Back Pain

1. Bird Dog

Beginning on hands and knees. Make sure that your back is flat. Draw the opposite arm and leg outward. Do 20 reps on each side.

Regression: Just draw the leg back

Progression: Draw the same side arm and leg

2. Bear Hold

Beginning on hands and knees. Make sure the back is flat. Tighten your core and lift the knees two inches off the ground. Hold for 3 seconds x 3.

Regression: 10s holds x 4

Progression: Lift an arm or a leg (or both!)

3. Forward plank

Make sure that your ribs are stacked over your pelvis, tighten the core and hold for 30s x 3.

Regression: 20s holds x 4

Progression: Lift a leg

4. Side planks:

Make sure your elbow is under the armpit, ribs are stacked over the pelvis. Hold for 30s x 3.

Regression: go on knees

Progression: Dip the hips down for 20 side bridges/ lift a leg to do 20 leg raises.

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