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The Role of the Digestive System in Inflammatory Disorders

The digestive system is often overlooked when it comes to systemic inflammation. If an area is in pain, the focus is usually where the pain presents itself. In acupuncture theory, the digestive system is considered the most important system and is referred to the center direction. This means the health of every system is sustained by a healthy digestive system. In classical channel theory, I always mentioned how every channel must pass through the abdomen and connect with its related organ. If the digestive system malfunctions, the body does not work optimally.

Transformation and Transportation in Acupuncture Theory

The process of digestion is called transformation and transportation in acupuncture theory. This refers to the breaking down of food into building blocks that support the entire system. In general, the fats we consume become hormones, protein is broken down into amino acids that rebuild and repair our muscular system. Amino acids are also the precursors to neurotransmitters. Those suffering with mood disorders like depression or anxiety may be deficient in specific neurotransmitters because of a faulty digestive system. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose which is transformed into the body’s energy current ATP. When this mechanism fails diabetes can result.

A strong digestive system is needed to support the above mentioned functions of the body. When the digestive system is weak, proteins and fats are not broken down and synthesized into hormones or neurotransmitters. In terms of inflammation, the breakdown of protein into amino acids must occur to keep inflammatory markers low.

The Role of Proteins in Inflammation

Proteins that end up in the small intestine cause systemic inflammation that may be contributing to autoimmune disorders and other digestive issues like small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), increased gut permeability/leaky gut syndrome, and Crohn’s disease in addition to common digestive issues including gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation.

When proteins are not broken down into amino acids, this triggers the immune system to break down these foreign substances resulting in inflammatory conditions. The inflammation may occur in the small intestine itself leading to bloating, discomfort and pain. If the proteins are absorbed by the intestines into the blood stream, they can attach to various structures in joints, or muscles resulting in pain and issues like rheumatoid arthritis.

In order for digestion to be healthy, our stomach acid needs to be strong with a PH level of 2.0. If the acid is weaker than 2.0, then the pyloric sphincter at the top of the stomach does not close. This leads to issues like GERD, heartburn/acid reflux. To make matters worse, the patient may be given antacids that further reduce the function of the stomach potentially creating more inflammation as the body does not break food down into their respective building blocks. If a patient is on a proton pump inhibitor, they should check back with their doctor after 6 weeks as long term use prevents the absorption of vitamins and minerals from food.

Acupuncture can help restore the body’s digestive system and strengthen the stomach by decreasing the PH of stomach acid. Acupuncture point stomach 36 has been shown to have this effect. If a patient has acid reflux in addition to other digestive issues like constipation and/or diarrhea, treating these issues will help long term with systemic inflammatory issues.


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