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Top 3 Considerations Before Purchasing A New Mattress

We get this question often so we thought it was a good idea to share with our patient population.

Why is having a supportive mattress important?

Our spine is shaped like an s-shaped spring. The different curves work collectively together to transfer weight evenly throughout your body. In between each bone is a jelly-like structure called a disc. In the morning these discs are filled up with fluid and ready to help in weight transfer and shock absorption. You are actually a bit taller in the morning due to the fluid in these discs. As the day progresses these jelly-like structures become squeezed and compressed.

Having a supportive mattress allows your spine to rest properly. If your mattress is too soft or too hard you will not be able to get comfortable and relax. Giving your musculoskeletal system a chance to rest allows soft tissue structures like tendons, ligaments, and muscles to recoup and rehydrate.

How long do different types of mattresses typically last?

The subject of how long a mattress lasts is up for debate. On average most of your basic mattresses last seven to ten years. You need to take into consideration a few factors.

Are you someone who is particularly hard on a mattress? Are you and your significant other larger than average? Do you spend long periods of time in your bed? Do you let your animals sleep with you in bed, and if so are they heavy? Can your mattress be turned or flipped (non-pillow top) which can extend the life of your mattress? Different materials such as foam claim a longer-lasting product with better memory and resilience.

What are the signs that you need a new mattress?

One way to determine whether your mattress needs to be replaced is if it becomes uncomfortable. The materials used to create a mattress are perishable and wear away after a period of time.

I remember once when I was having trouble with a fairly new mattress a technician came to my house to measure the mattress. He placed a string across the mattress width wise then measured the distance from the string in the center to the mattress. He was looking for sag signs and areas of depression that were uncommon.

Things to consider when purchasing a new mattress

At the end of the day, I recommend to all patients to spend a moderate amount on your mattress and plan to replace it every 7-10 years. There are many more options than in the past and you have more understanding return policies these days. Whether it’s a Sleep Number with motorized head and footrests, or a Saatva that is ordered online and shipped directly to your home, if you spend wisely you should be ok. Happy resting…

Here at The Center For Spine Care and Mobility we have integrated multiple soft tissue specialists who each focus on a specific part of the patient’s rehabilitation. The Chiropractor for example will lengthen tight stuck tissue, and focus on alignment while the physical therapist will strengthen weak, facilitated tissue.

The patient might also benefit from soft tissue massage, acupuncture, or trigger point therapy as an additional service. Having the ability to combine modalities in one space at the same time gives our patients the best chance to heal in the shortest amount of time. The end goal is a correction of postural asymmetry and a return to activities of daily living pain-free. If this is something you are suffering from feel free to contact us for an evaluation.

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