Diastasis Recti: What is it? And how can Diastasis Recti impact anyone, not just post-partum patients? Hello everyone! My name…
Physical Therapy
What is Spinal Stenosis? Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the canals around the spinal cord or the spinal nerve…
Abdominal Bloating: The many tools of a Physical Therapist This month, I thought it would be appropriate to discuss a…
POSTURE AS AN EVALUATION TOOL If you have ever wondered if poor posture and body positions during your ADL’s (activities…
As a physical therapist, I am constantly teaching people how to activate their core. Most people view “core activation” as…
Pelvic Floor Therapy For The Men I wanted to change the pace a bit this month and shift from my…
How Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, Massage and Acupuncture Can Benefit Patients With “Long COVID” The response to chiropractic, physical therapy, massage…
What is a Meniscus? A meniscus is a piece of soft tissue that lines the knee joint. The purpose of…
Stop Crossing Your Legs While Sitting! Part 2: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Crossing your legs rotates your pelvis! In last month’s…
Stop Crossing Your Legs while Sitting! Part 1: The Pelvis as a Bong Ring Do you cross your legs when…