How Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, Massage and Acupuncture Can Benefit Patients With “Long COVID” The response to chiropractic, physical therapy, massage…
Physical Therapy
What is a Meniscus? A meniscus is a piece of soft tissue that lines the knee joint. The purpose of…
Stop Crossing Your Legs While Sitting! Part 2: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Crossing your legs rotates your pelvis! In last month’s…
Stop Crossing Your Legs while Sitting! Part 1: The Pelvis as a Bong Ring Do you cross your legs when…
Happy New Year everyone, I hope you all had a safe and enjoyable holiday season! As we roll into January,…
What is Patellar Tendinopathy? Patellar tendinopathy is an injury caused by overuse of the quadricep and patellar tendon. Pain will…
Did you know that you can train your pelvic floor muscles quietly, discretely, and throughout the day with a few…
Life in the complex world of today Life today is complex. I really don’t need to mention more than that,…
What is a hip flexor? Hip flexors are a group of muscles located in the front of your hip that…
How to Keep Your Hips Healthy in 5 Simple Steps Quarantine 2020: A New Version of Screen Time is Born…