Pain in the front of the shoulder is a common complaint seen in a physical therapy office. Often the patients…
Physical Therapy
In 2018, low back pain was the 3rd most frequent primary care complaint, behind upper respiratory infection and hypertension. 80-90%…
Who Has the Best Postures? I have a quick question, how many of you out there spend at least 50%…
What’s the Difference Between Static Stretching and a Dynamic Warm-Up? So what’s the difference between static stretching and a dynamic…
By Simone Floyd, DPT How to Treat Neck Pain Neck pain is one of the most common complaints we get…
Over the past few weeks, many of my patients have inquired about what is the best way to manage their…
What is Trigger Point Therapy Used For? At the Center for Spine Care + Mobility, a substantial amount of our…
Treating TMJ Disorder with Chiropractic and Physical Therapy We all know someone who experiences pain in their jaw. What most…
Abnormally Aside, Beyond, Apart From, or Against a Bed A Comment on Dyspareunia (Painful Sex) Pelvic Floor Therapy for Painful…
Therapy for your Organs?! Visceral Manipulation in NYC Did you know that you can receive physical therapy for your organs?…