As a chiropractor in NYC, neck and upper back pain are a common complaint in my office. Poor posture from…
A slip and fall on icy streets can lead to various back injuries, including muscle strains, ligament sprains, herniated discs,…
At The Center For Spine Care & Mobility, roughly 50% of patients present with neck or upper back issues. Improper…
As the holidays approach, many patients experience lower back strains from carrying and lifting heavy objects. Improper lifting mechanics are…
Mobility is crucial for both everyday function and athletic performance, yet it often goes overlooked. Dr. Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist…
What is that hump on my back at the bottom of my neck, and how can I get rid of…
What is Kinesiotape? Kinesiotape, also known as Kinesio tape or KT tape, is a therapeutic elastic tape designed to support…
Hello everyone! This is Linnea, the pelvic floor physical therapist here at CSCM. Today, I would like to discuss the…
The Center For Spine Care and Mobility At The Center For Spine Care and Mobility, we stand out with our…
Active Release Technique is a well-established form of soft tissue rehabilitation. It allows the practitioner the opportunity to feel and…