Acupuncture treatment blocks should be considered when a patient does not respond in any way to treatment. My teacher would…
Anxiety treatments utilizing acupuncture have been detailed in the first written Classic, The Yellow Emperors Canon. There is much discussion…
Dyspareunia, or painful sexual intercourse, is a complex condition that involves a multitude of factors, that affect both the physical…
The truth concerning the pandemic of “Failed Back Surgery Syndrome” I recently received my subscription to American Chiropractor, Volume 43…
What is Scoliosis? Scoliosis is an unnatural curvature in your spine where the spine bows or twists out of position….
What is Spinal Stenosis? Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the canals around the spinal cord or the spinal nerve…
Tinnitus is a condition of ringing in one or both ears, which cannot be heard by others. Tinnitus may be…
Acupuncture during IVF can greatly increase chances of conception. In fact, studies show that women who receive acupuncture on the…
During this week, I had the pleasure of treating our Flatiron physical therapist Simone Floyd for a case of ankle…
How Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, Massage and Acupuncture Can Benefit Patients With “Long COVID” The response to chiropractic, physical therapy, massage…