Hello Everyone — Resident pelvic floor specialist here! I was recently thinking about evaluation and treatment for pelvic floor therapy…
In the past two years, the majority of our patients have been working from home. This has created an opportunity…
Scapular Mechanics Having shoulder pain is a common reason patients come into our NYC Physical Therapy clinic. Often, pain presents…
How Vitamins Can Aid In Muscle Recovery Every time we workout we are creating microtears in our muscles which then…
Cuboid syndrome is a displacement of the cuboid bone from the rest of the foot and ankle complex. This injury…
What are nerve glides – what is ‘nerve flossing’? Nerve glides are movements that slide the nerve through fascia. Just…
Anxiety treatments utilizing acupuncture have been detailed in the first written Classic, The Yellow Emperors Canon. There is much discussion…
Hey everyone! While thinking about what to write about for this blog post, I was thinking about how a ton…
A chemical peel is a type of skin resurfacing procedure. It uses different combinations of chemicals in order to remove…
If you have been to PT, there is a good chance you have heard this word. So what is fascia?…
Hello friends! A conversation that I have been having a lot lately is about breastfeeding and carrying form with new…
What is BFRT, or Blood Flow Restriction Training? BFRT is intermittent occlusion of venous blood flow of an upper or…
Dyspareunia, or painful sexual intercourse, is a complex condition that involves a multitude of factors, that affect both the physical…
Hello my friends! The other day I was treating a patient of mine who arrived with severe increased abdominal bloating…
Hello friends! I have been working with quite a few new mothers lately, and one of the subjects we often…