Living in New York City allows us to live moderately active and healthy lives. Maybe you walk or ride a…
At our NYC Acupuncture office, infertility is one condition we treat through the use of acupuncture, moxibustion, dietary therapy and…
Working as an orthopedic physical therapist and pelvic floor therapist in the big city of Manhattan allows me to cross…
Pelvic Wands — More than just Hocus Pocus New Year, New You Happy New Year, hope everyone had a wonderful…
DISH — How can a Chiropractor or Physical Therapist help me? In the fall of 2019 we a unique patient…
Pain in the front of the shoulder is a common complaint seen in a physical therapy office. Often the patients…
All of us at the Center for Spine Care & Mobility hope you had a happy and healthy holiday. Hopefully,…
My teacher would often say, “To resolve chronic conditions, you as an acupuncturist must identify and treat areas that are…
In the world of musculoskeletal medicine, there are several ways to treat an injury. The ability to choose the correct…
In 2018, low back pain was the 3rd most frequent primary care complaint, behind upper respiratory infection and hypertension. 80-90%…
Don’t let winter be a pain in the back “lift light, shovel right.” In the winter months, shoveling is a…
This year, very early into the cold and flu season, I have seen many acupuncture patients in our Flatiron NYC…
Who Has the Best Postures? I have a quick question, how many of you out there spend at least 50%…
Have you been going from race to race, or activity to activity, just barely keeping the wheels on? Are nagging…
What is the function of the scapula bone? When addressing injuries or pain patterns of the neck and upper back…