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Squat Mobility Warm-Up

How Does Squatting Help?

Squatting is one of the most effective and popular movements used to gain strength at the gym. It is a large dynamic movement that requires a significant amount of range of motion from multiple joints. If the range of motion is limited, it will be difficult to get into the full depth of the squat.

Some things that to look for are ankle, hip, and thoracic range of motion. If there is ankle tightness the heels may lift off of the floor. If there is hip tightness, there might be pinching to the anterior hip or difficulty with depth. If there is thoracic restriction the trunk tends to lean forward. The following are some effective warm up exercises to improve ankle, hip, and thoracic range of motion.

Ankle Mobility

Ankle Cars

Long sit, point your toes down, to the right, up, and to the left. Repeat 10 x clockwise and 10x counter clockwise

Banded ankle mob

Place a string bond around the front of the ankle. Rock forward and backward 20x

Eccentric gastroc soleus

On an elevated surface, raise heels, lower slowly, then bend the knee, and come back up. Repeat 20x.

Hip Mobility

Hip CARs:

In quadruped rotate the hip in a circle in one direction 8x and then repeat in opposite direction 8x.

Windshield wipers:

In sitting with your feet flat on the floor knock the knees both to the right and then to the left 10x

Adductor rock backs

With one knee planted and the other leg extended laterally, rock backwards and forwards 10 x each leg

Squats to forward fold

Get into a deep squat and place your hands under your feet. Straighten and rebend your knees 10x.

Thoracic Mobility

Seated Thoracic Rotation

Sit with a mobility stick behind your neck. Rotate right to left 10x

Lat Pulldown

On your stomach lift the mobility tick over head and then down the back of your neck 12-20x

Prayer + tricep extension

In tall kneeling position, place arms on a elevated surface, press the chest downward, and bend and extend elbows

Squat + Reach

Get into a deep squat, reach up with R arm then L. Repeat 10x

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