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Successfully Setting New Year’s Resolutions

All of us at the Center for Spine Care & Mobility hope you had a happy and healthy holiday. Hopefully, you took time to relax, spend time with loved ones, catch up on work or go on that much needed holiday vacation. However you spent your time, we hope it was just what you needed to tackle the upcoming year!

Can you believe it, 2020 is here! It’s not only a new year, but a new decade! What are your new year’s / new decade resolutions? Like many of us at CSC+M, your goals may focus on losing weight, eating healthy, exercising, spending time with family, reading, drinking less alcohol or learning a new hobby.

Choosing your new year’s resolutions is the easy part—but achieving them is another story. In 2015, U.S. News reported that 80% of new year’s resolutions failed by February. Another research study performed by Strava, a social fitness networking app used to track physical activity using GPS data, showed a significant amount of activity by January 12th.

Honestly, I have never been a firm believer that you should wait until the New Year to make a change for the better. The greatest thing about goal setting or positive change is that it can happen whenever you’re ready and willing for it to happen. However, if you’re like the millions of individuals who set new year’s resolutions, here are tips that might help you stick with and achieve your goals.

A great tool for setting goals is using the SMART acronym: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely.

  1. Decide what you want to achieve. Be SPECIFIC about what you want to accomplish.
  2. Are your goals MEASURABLE? Are you able to evaluate your progress? Try creating short-term goals that will put you on the path of achieving your long-term goal. Setting smaller goals can be less overwhelming and can help you achieve your long-term goals.
  3. Are your goals ACHIEVABLE? Do you have the necessary resources to achieve your goals?
  4. Are your goals REALISTIC? Realistic goals are achievable.
  5. Are your goals TIMELY? When do you plan to accomplish this goal?

Once you have determined your goals, here are a few tips to help you fulfill your goals.

  1. Write your goals down and put them where you will see them daily.
  2. Share your goals with friends and family. By sharing your goals with others, you are developing a support system that can encourage you along the way. You are also less likely to accomplish something if you don’t tell anyone what you are trying to achieve.
  3. Goals are easier to achieve if you have a friend or family member achieving the same goal. Hold one another accountable.
  4. Track your progress. Write your progress down in a journal or document your progress using an app and website specific to your goal.
  5. Don’t forget to celebrate your success. Treat yourself for working hard! You deserve it!
  6. Re-evaluate your goal and adjust as needed. Maybe your original goal was not realistic. This does not mean you should quit automatically, it might just take a different path or a little more time to accomplish your goal.

Achieving a goal is a process that can require dedication, sacrifice, motivation and constant readjustment. If you feel yourself quitting, remember why you started in the first place!

From all of us at CSC+M, we want to see you achieve your goals! If staying in good shape is on your list—seeing one of our chiropractors for general wellness visits is an excellent way to maintain proper mobility in your active lifestyle.

Please let us know how we can help you meet your goals in 2020 and beyond.

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