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Self-Myofascial Release – Be Your Own Massage Therapist

Commit to Self-Care in the New Year

Do you have a hard time prioritizing your own self-care? Don’t put it off any longer! Now you can practice anytime and anywhere under 5 minutes with self-myofascial release.

What is Self Myofascial Release (SMR)?

Self-myofascial release (SMF) is a form of self-massage performed by yourself, wherever you want, whenever you want, often with the assistance of a self-massage tool such as a ball or foam roller.

Like conventional massage and myofascial release, SMR can decrease stress, decrease tension, decrease pain. It can improve mobility, circulation, and recovery time. In addition, Self-Myofascial Release provides the benefits of improved posture, proprioception, muscle balance, muscle contraction, coordinated movement, and therefore performance by increasing body awareness and self-regulation.

How does self-massage work?

The main drivers of myofascial release are pressure and time. Myofascial release is slow low pressure performed over time. This process alters input of the nervous system through sensory receptors creating down regulation of the nervous system, increasing parasympathetic activity. Signs of myofascial release are changes in temperature, circulation, and respiration. You may feel a pulsation, warmth, flushing, or even a big sigh. The result of myofascial release is increased lubrication and the ability for easier glide and slide of the tissues resulting in increased ease and mobility.

How do I begin a self-myofascial release session?

Choose a Massage Tool

First thing to remember is less is more! The harder the tool is not always better! Remember, the nervous system is the primary regulator of tension. Therefore, if the roller or ball is felt as pain or a threat it will hurt more than it will help!  

Some of my favorite tools are: 

How to begin: 

  1. Practice little and often. Try just 5 minutes a day and see how you feel. It will change your life!
  2. When to practice: Anytime! Anywhere!

Listen to Your Body

  1. Find that just right spot. Where is that place you want the massage therapist to stay forever? Start there! Find that just right place that is sensational, but sustainable. Avoid going into pain. Some important places to avoid are areas near nerves and vasculature such as the front of the neck, arm pit, and groin or bony prominences like the bones of the spine.
  2. Find the just right pressure. Remember. Less is more. Keep the sensation less than a 6/10. Once you get to 7/10 your body starts to sense pain. Notice if you are tightening your fists, shoulders, or jaw. If so, its too much.
  3. Stay a while! The main drivers of self-myofascial release are time and gravity. It takes about 90 seconds for the body to start to unwind.
  4. Breathe and Let Go!

Tips to Get Started with Self-Massage

  1. Roll on your feet: The feet influence the entire body and this is a great way to break in your balls.
  2. Join me on the RAD Mobility app for follow along practices to  “Be Your Own Massage Therapist”
  3.  Schedule a private session. To find the just right spots and just right practices for YOU to move freely and live fully in your body.

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