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Prenatal Massage in Midtown NYC

Ahhh, the joys of pregnancy…. Wait!  Don’t forget all the joys a prenatal massage at our Midtown Manhattan location can offer for this miraculous time in one’s life. The benefits of massage therapy, whether it’s during the time of planning to become pregnant, during the pregnancy itself, or after the birth of a child or children are always a pleasant surprise to not only the mom, but the people around her. When the mother to be is happy, everyone around her is happy.  Whether you have an army of support during this miraculous time in your life, or you are a warrior taking it on alone, your massage therapist is there to ease both your mind and your body.

NYC Prenatal Massages – Relaxation Benefits

For some women, becoming pregnant is easy, and sometimes sooner than expected. For others, the planning alone can be stressful. Some women suffer with anxiety with the thought of not being able to become pregnant or simply being pregnant and the many life changes a baby brings. Massage for relaxation before, during and after pregnancy will certainly be helpful in relieving both the mind and body due to physical and mental changes and stressors. I have worked with many pregnant women over the years during all stages of planning, pregnancy and postpartum care. All of them appreciated a massage regardless what stage of their adventure they were in. When the muscles are relaxed, most moms and babies experience an easier planning, pregnancy, labor and delivery.

Massage therapy works to increase blood flow to the afflicted areas which provides oxygen and nutrients and helps to eliminate toxins. When the lymphatic system is stimulated, toxins are eliminated, and immunity is increased. The muscle aches pregnancy can cause, can be relieved by your body’s release of serotonin. Serotonin is a natural anti-pain chemical in the body which can be stimulated and released during a massage.

When a baby is growing inside of our bodies, our posture is greatly affected. The extra weight that comes with pregnancy can cause muscle tension, spasms, and achy joints. For centuries, massage has been used to reduce stress, relieve muscle tension, increase circulation and reduce pain.    Massage therapy during pregnancy can also help to reduce anxiety, decrease depression and improve sleep.

Prenatal Massages Can Help Alleviate Headaches

Many women experience headaches during pregnancy, which can be triggered by hormone changes, changes to the musculoskeletal system, or simply withdrawal from caffeine.  Massage therapy works to relieve tension in the muscles of head, neck and shoulders which may also help moms suffering with tension headaches and migraines.

Carpal tunnel syndrome and plantar fasciitis are just some of the nuisances women experience during pregnancy. Massage therapy is a non-invasive, healthy way to relieve the pain and frustration these issues can cause. Some women also experience edema or swelling in the legs, feet and ankles. Massage techniques such as, effleurage and lymph drainage, help to alleviate the swelling and reduce the discomfort.  Just to note, women should always be cautious during pregnancy and consult their mid wife or obstetrician to ensure the swelling is not the result of a more serious condition.

Sciatic nerve pain is also common during pregnancy. It is most common in the later stages and during labor, but it can occur at any point during pregnancy and in some cases after the delivery. The uterus rests on both pelvic floor muscles and the muscle in the lower back. When the muscles swell, they put pressure on the nerves. A pre-natal massage can help to reduce inflammation and tension to the muscles, reducing the pressure on the nerves and relieving the pain.

Schedule a Prenatal Massage in NYC Today

Carrying a baby requires a lot of endurance and energy. Moms to be should take time to give themselves both emotional and physical support. Adding massage therapy during pregnancy is a great complement to your care. It is a healthy way to improve overall wellness. When the muscles are relaxed, most moms and babies experience an easier labor and delivery.  The benefits of massage therapy can improve prenatal health for so many women. It may also help you get a better night’s sleep. We all know how important sleep is. Massage therapy can be part of your routine pre and post-natal care. It will help to improve both your emotional and physical well-being and your overall maternal health.  Always look for a certified pre-natal massage therapist and consult with your health care provider before incorporating massage into your pregnancy and birthing plan.


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