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Post-Partum Exercise to Treat Urinary Leakage

Hello friends! I have been working with quite a few new mothers lately, and one of the subjects we often speak about is return to exercise. One of my patients showed me an exercise program designed to be started once cleared by the doctor, and the day 1 exercises where too difficult for her to complete without urinary leakage!

Post-Partum Urinary Leakage

Now urinary leakage can be common post-partum, and we all have heard tales of people dealing with it for the duration of their lifetime, but it should not be accepted as NORMAL. So what causes urinary leakage in this instance?

What is occurring is our pelvic floor is having difficulty with managing intrabdominal pressure, and as a result leakage occurs then increased force is placed on the bladder.

Pelvic Floor Therapy to Address Post-Partum Conditions

So how would we address this? We have to strengthen the musculature of our “core” which includes the pelvic floor, abdominals and lumbar spine so that they collectively work together with the musculature in our legs to efficiently manage force! Now, while post-partum exercise programs are great, they tend to have a “one size fits all” approach, which may not be beneficial to the direct needs of every user.

To have a tailored program developed in order to reduce urinary leakage and allow for return to recreation post-partum, feel free to contact me at Center for Spine Care and Mobility today!

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