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Pelvic Wands – Trigger Points in the Pelvic Floor

Pelvic Wands — More than just Hocus Pocus

New Year, New You

Happy New Year, hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! As we step into 2020, many of us have set some pretty good goals for ourselves as part of our resolutions. That is, many of us enact changes in our daily routines to try and better ourselves and the world around us. Some of us go back to the gym (hopefully for more than just the first month), some of us pledge to eat healthier (I also hope for more than one month), and others set a goal to spend more time with family and friends. No matter what your goal is, just remember to take it slow and steady!

The key to change is that it’s not won in one race, rather it is a compilation of many races or even one really long one – think marathon. Take any great athlete, generally, they are not just good during one game or one event – they have the ability to be good over many events and over a long period of time. That is, in order to reach your goals, it is always better to pace yourself when looking to make long-lasting changes.

Holistic care is work

Unfortunately, there isn’t a magic spell to make your goals happen any quicker – but there is a magic wand that could help. Let’s switch gears a little bit, as a physical therapist my goal is to get people better holistically with strengthening, movement, and mobility. We help people get back to the activities they are no longer able to perform to the same capacity over a period of time.

Even with manual therapy, many times it will take more than one session to achieve the desired results of pain-free range of motion. With strengthening, it will take some 6-8 weeks to create muscle growth.

Trigger Points in my Pelvic Floor?

Many of my pelvic floor patients will come in with trigger points and our sessions will consist of both manual therapy and strengthening to create decreases in incontinent episodes, decreased pain during intercourse or with a pelvic exam, greater ease of using tampons, decreased pain during menstrual cycles, among other conditions.

I am grateful to have the time I spend with my patients, but let’s be honest. A few hours of work a week of pelvic floor physical therapy is not going to combat the other hours my patients spend exercising, at work, or even walking around Manhattan getting errands completed. This is why work in between therapy sessions and home exercise is imperative to a successful program.

The Magical Pelvic Wand

One of the items I will suggest for patient use in my pelvic floor population is called the Pelvic Wand. This magical device is one that can help trigger points to stay away between sessions. With continued use, the next time I get to see my patients we are able to progress treatment further. Sooner than later – Poof, the trigger points will fade!

Let’s face it, hundreds of devices are produced for the musculoskeletal conditions in every other part of our body except for our pelvic floor. This wand is an amazing tool that allows us to reach the trigger points deep in our hips and pelvic floor, helps us to work on those TP’s, and keep them out! Sounds like a magic spell yet?

My Goal – Your Right for Pelvic Health

Honestly, after working in both orthopedics and pelvic floor therapy, I believe many people with hip and low back pain should invest in one. And anyone who believes in taking care of their body, male or female, should own one (and no I do not work for these companies, I truly believe in their value).

In order to bring this full circle, my new year’s resolution is to educate everyone about their right for pelvic health. So, if you are looking for a new way to take care of yourself, why not try one of these magic wands! If you are unsure of how to use it, come visit me here at the Center for Spine Care and Mobility and we can discuss proper use, pelvic health, and any other long-standing concerns you may have. See you soon!

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