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Medical Massage in NYC – Top 5 Reasons to Get a Massage in Midtown at CSCM

At CSC+M, our NYC medical massage therapists provide result-oriented treatment that utilizes a variety of modalities, with the primary focus given to the areas related to your diagnosis.  When used properly it can release tight muscles, relieve nerve compression, deactivate trigger points, decrease pain and inflammation, increase flexibility and range of motion, improve postural discrepancies, and calm the nervous system to alleviate stress and improve circulation.

Medical Massage Therapy NYCVariety of Specific Massage techniques in Midtown NYC

Each patient that presents at our midtown Manhattan location has a condition that requires a specific approach. At CSC+M we use the massage technique that best suits their needs.

Here is a list of the massage techniques we employ at CSC+M in order to attain the best results:

  • Swedish
  • Deep Tissue
  • Sports Massage
  • Trigger Point Massage
  • Shiatsu Massage
  • Lymph Drainage
  • Pre and Post Natal Massage

Medical Massage Reduces Tension in Muscle Tissue

When a muscle becomes injured the tendency is for the fibers to shorten and tighten. Just like a scar on your skin shrinks the tissue around it, a tear or injury to muscle has the ability to shorten the muscle while healing. The tight muscles can restrict blood flow (hypoxia) and cause a decrease in nutrient rich oxygen to other areas in the body.

NYC Medical Massage Therapy — Relieves Stress / Enhances Relaxation

Your body is in a constant battle between nature and gravity and here in NYC we are continually bombarded with both physical and psychological stress. Whether it’s sitting in traffic in an Uber, or racing up and down subway stairs to make it to your next meeting, life can be stressful here.

Keeping muscles working properly allows for better blood flow not only to other muscles, but to organs as well.

Once you are out of pain it is important to maintain what you have. Massage therapy is an excellent tool to keep your body functioning properly.

Massages Increase Range of Motion

Did you ever wonder why professional athletes receive massages all the time? It’s not just because they feel so good. A muscle, tendon or ligament that is stretched to its proper length has a much smaller chance of becoming injured.

When medical professionals talk about the musculoskeletal system, we use a term called length – tension relationship. Take your biceps and triceps muscle as an example. If your biceps become short and tight from an injury two things occur. That muscle will not be able to lengthen or expand all the way (the opposite of contract). Secondly your triceps as the antagonistic/opposing muscle will not be able perform to its fullest potential as well.

This is why it is so important to have a qualified massage therapist in midtown manhattan, like the team at CSC+M working on you. They understand how your muscles work and address not only the primary pain generator but the surrounding and complimentary muscles as well.

Physical and Psychological Relaxation

Physical or psychological stress can be found everywhere. Living in NYC can cause you to be in a constant state of low-grade stress. This can lead to problems such as stomach pains, headaches, chest pain, insomnia, and muscle aches.

The body releases chemicals to help you manage in your day to day life.  It can be used for releasing chemicals for something like running faster to avoid danger. In this example stress can actually help the body recognize how to react to an impending harmful situation.

A medical massage can help the body handle stress by relaxing muscles, draining toxins that get stuck in your body, and ultimately lowering your resting heart rate.

Here at CSC+M we have a number of different massage techniques that we can use to help you achieve a stress-free state of mind. Whether it’s Shiatsu, Trigger Point or Deep Tissue Massage  your body will thank you for helping it cope with stress.


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