Conditions We Treat
“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
Thomas Edison
Piriformis Syndrome
Ever experience a real pain in the butt? This could be piriformis syndrome. The piriformis muscle works to help rotate your hips, and is often overworked. Because of this it can lead to a deep, sharp pain in the butt, and could potentially compress the sciatic nerve as they run very close to each other.
Don’t let this go untreated! At CSC+M, we effectively determine the exact reason why you’re experiencing this symptom and use a multitude of conservative treatments to get you out of pain
Hip Impingement (FAI)
Hip impingement, or Femoacetabular Impingement (FAI), is anterior hip pain which is caused by an imbalance of the hip and low back musculature. This imbalance creates poor joint mechanics between the femur and the pelvis and leads to a “pinching” sensation in the front of the hip. If left untreated, the impingement can lead to further structural damage of the hip joint, and can make it very difficult to perform your day to day activities.
We see and treat this every day at CSC+M, so come in and get yourself checked out!
Psoas Syndrome
Ever experience a “snapping” or “clicking” in the front of your hip? This could be the effects of psoas syndrome. The psoas is a muscle that attaches from the inside of your femur, crosses the front of your pelvis and attaches to the front of your lumbar spine. When there is a weakness, or imbalance of your core, this muscle can “snap” over the hip bone.
Although it may not be as painful as some other issues, it is a sign of dysfunction! Come get this assessed and treated before it turns into something more painful.
Hamstring Strain
A hamstring strain is when an injury occurs to the muscle fibers of the hamstring. Depending on how severe the injury, the fibers can be partially torn, or completely torn and ruptured. Often, this injury will occur while running and sprinting, especially if the patient did not properly warm up.
At CSC+M, we utilize a unique system of integrating multiple experts who specialize in musculoskeletal medicine to get you better, and keep you feeling good. This system of working together gives you the best care, and allows you to continue moving and living life the way you want.