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Head and Neck

Conditions We Treat

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

Thomas Edison

Cervical Strain/Sprain

Muscle strain’s and ligament sprains can occur anywhere in the body, including the neck and upper shoulder region. These injuries come with pain, swelling, and stiffness, which ultimately can lead to other dysfunctions.

Early treatment and intervention are crucial to preventing these dysfunctions from setting in. Our conservative treatment approaches make sure to quickly heal you and get you back to living the life you want.

Herniated/Bulging Discs (Cervical)

Herniated discs can more commonly be known as a “slipped disc” or a “pinched nerve”.  This injury occurs when the disc between two vertebrae develops a bulge which then can press on a nerve. Numbness and tingling are often experienced radiating down the arms, which can lead to muscle weakness and dysfunction if left untreated.

Here at CSC+M we treat herniated discs every day, and see our patients get better, faster. The key to a speedy recovery is early intervention, and re-balancing your posture to take the pressure off that nerve while you heal.

Degenerative Disc Disease (Cervical)

Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD or DJD for short) happens to us as we age and get older. Slouched posture’s, and weakening muscles contribute to this process, and as a result, DDD can lead to other orthopedic issues arising. Luckily it can be treated!


Headaches are in the top 3 complaints that bring people in to see us at this office. You’ve likely experienced it before. Symptoms are often described as vice-like, pressure can be felt behind the eye, on top of the head, or at the base of the skull. These pain patterns respond very well to conservative management and usually resolve in 2-3 visits.

At CSC+M, we are successful in treating these headaches with the best result coming from a combination of Active Release Technique (ART), chiropractic adjustments, therapeutic exercises, and medical services, providing you with lasting relief.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) refers to pain or numbness that originates in the neck or shoulder but is felt down along the arm or hands. Symptoms are caused by compression on the nerve and/or artery as they travel from your spine to any of the 35 common entrapment sites.

Here at CSC+M we identify the compression site, and develop a tailored care plan to alleviate your symptoms quickly and effectively.

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