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What is Diastasis Recti, and how can it affect me?

Diastasis Recti: What is it? And how can Diastasis Recti impact anyone, not just post-partum patients?

Hello everyone! My name is Linnea, and I am the new Pelvic Floor and Orthopedic Physical Therapist based here at Center for Spine Care and Mobility. I was thinking about what to write about for this month’s blog post, and I realized a great topic to speak about would be Diastasis Recti.

Now what is Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis Rectus Abdominus, it is a fairly long word to describe the separation of the center line (Linea Alba) of connective tissue that joins the two sides of your rectus abdominis. During Diastasis there is a separation along the line that results in decreased abdominal stability that can lead to abdominal heaviness and pain.

Diastasis Recti naturally occurs during pregnancy due to stretching of the tissue, but it can also occur secondary to poor intra-thoracic force management!

Now imagine: You are lifting a really heavy item and you hold your breath and blow your belly out to give you that extra OMMPH. What you are doing is completing a Valsalva maneuver, and if you are unable to manage these intrathoracic forces, separation can occur between the tissues of the Linea Alba! So not only can this condition occur during pregnancy, but can occur during everyday activities!

Wait, I don’t pay attention to how I lift objects, could this be happening to me?

The answer is the Physical Therapists here at Center for Spine Care and Mobility can evaluate you to determine how you manage intra-thoracic force and teach you proper lifting techniques and deep abdominal strengthening to reduce the likelihood of Diastasis Recti, or other Lumbo-pelvic conditions. Feel free to contact us today to book an appointment!

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