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Chiropractic Care in the Treatment of Breast Cancer Patients

According to, “Studies have shown that chiropractic therapy can help relieve headaches and back and joint pain in women who have had breast cancer treatment.”

What is a chiropractic adjustment?

A chiropractic manipulation is a form of manual therapy designed to treat various conditions such as headaches, neck pain, lower back pain, and sciatica. Restoring proper spinal alignment will reduce pain and stiffness by increasing range of motion and improving blood flow to help normalize nerve function and reduce inflammation.

Proper alignment is critical for pain relief and optimal function. When applied effectively it is an integral part of a patient’s healing process. We also incorporate other forms of chiropractic manipulation such as Active Release Technique and Graston Technique. These complementary procedures give our patients options when it comes to effective treatment protocols.

How does one become misaligned?

There are several ways someone might become misaligned. A common example is a traumatic event such as a surgical procedure, a fall, lifting something that is too heavy, having an accident while performing a sport, and even awkwardly moving during sleep.

Poor posture is another example of how one can become mis-aligned. One can be born with a body type that lends itself to poor postural habits. An example is a person with excessive breast tissue. This will create a pulling effect on the neck and mid spine which rounds the shoulders and places excessive stress on the postural neck muscles. If you are spending long hours in front of a computer one can develop poor postural habits. If untreated these can lead to pain and dysfunction that must be corrected.

Another common condition known as scoliosis places undue strain on the spinal segments as well as the muscles surrounding the spine. Scoliosis is a twisting curvature of the spine which creates asymmetry in your spinal column. The cause of scoliosis is mostly unknown but there are indications that it might be hereditary.

The scar tissue from a mastectomy as well as radiation treatments can leave patients with altered biomechanics and pain. These specific manual healing techniques can assist in the relief of pain and dysfunction directly related to breast cancer patients.

Chiropractic Treatment and Breast Cancer

There are several treatment options for breast cancer. The surgical treatments are procedures such as Mammaplasty, Tissue expansion, Lymph node dissection, Lumpectomy, and Mastectomy. Non surgical options include medications such as Estrogen modulators, Chemotherapy, and Hormone-Based Chemotherapy. These treatments can leave your musculoskeletal system severely altered causing significant movement impairments and pain.

The chiropractor through examination, palpation, and observation of movement patterns can determine which muscles, bones, and tendons are not functioning optimally. A chiropractic adjustment in conjunction with stretching of tight tissue allows your spine and muscles to realign themselves. Proper alignment alleviates stress on joints, tightness in muscles, and can even take pressure off of nerve fibers.

Here at The Center For Spine Care and Mobility we have integrated multiple soft tissue specialists who each focus on a specific part of the patients rehabilitation. The Chiropractor for example will lengthen tight stuck tissue, and focus on alignment while the physical therapist will strengthen weak, facilitated tissue.

The patient might also benefit from soft tissue massage, acupuncture, or trigger point therapy as an additional service. Having the ability to combine modalities in one space at the same time gives our patients the best chance to heal in the shortest amount of time. The end goal being a correction of postural asymmetry and a return to activities of daily living pain free. If this is something you are suffering from feel free to contact us for an evaluation.

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