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Chiropractic Cervical Manipulations Explained

Receiving a chiropractic manipulation to the neck or cervical spine is a powerful and amazing thing. It has the potential to relieve pain, restore motion, increase blood flow, and allow nerve fibers to move freely and without obstruction.

When a person enters the Center for Spine Care and Mobility, there are a few factors that are considered prior to receiving a manipulation.

What happens prior to receiving a chiropractic manipulation?

  1. The patient’s area of chief complaint is examined for the necessity of manipulation.
  2. General range of motion is tested and restrictions are observed.
  3. Palpating is given in the area of chief complaint looking for restrictions in movement patterns as well as tenderness. If the area is inflamed the chiropractor will be able to feel that by touching the region.
  4. Comparison of movement patterns from side to side are a good indicator of the patient’s range of motion.
  5. Each spinal segment has a corresponding spinal nerve root. The part of the body where that nerve transmits information is tested. If the test is positive that usually means the nerve is being impinged by the restricted spinal segment.

When you receive a chiropractic manipulation, what is happening?

Once it is established that the patient can benefit from a manipulation both the patient and the doctor need to prepare the area for movement. It is important that the patients completely understand the process and are willing to participate.

There are no surprises at CSC+M when it comes to manipulation. Patient interaction is helpful in achieving success whether it’s a breathing assist, a turn of the head, or a wiggle of the toes the patients’ participation is critical in the success of the treatment. By placing a manual thrust on the joint that is restricted you are re-aligning that spinal segment.

The cervical spine is unique in that it moves in several ranges of motion. Movement is achieved rather easily. The difference is, a chiropractor is specifically trained to move the specific segment that is stuck.

Where can I receive a chiropractic cervical manipulation in NYC?

The Center of Spine Care and Mobility is home to two resident New York chiropractors in our Flatiron office. Give us a call at (212) 475-8104 to schedule an appointment, or book online.

Why do patients fear a cervical or neck manipulation?

Allowing someone to manipulate your cervical spine requires a bit of trust and it is completely normal to have apprehension. The patients at The Center for Spine Care and Mobility have the peace of mind that they have been screened thoroughly for their ability to receive a safe and effective cervical manipulation.

Here at CSC+M, we also believe that effective treatment can be performed without hearing the “cracking sound” when manipulating the spine. So, even though you might not hear a click we are still stretching the joint through its full range of motion. That is what is necessary to perform an effective manipulation.

Will a manipulation by a chiropractor hurt me?

A chiropractic manipulation shouldn’t hurt if it’s performed correctly, by a licensed chiropractor. Here at CSC+M we pride ourselves on not only performing effective manipulations, but preparing the area properly prior to manipulation.

By employing such techniques as Active Release Technique, Graston technique, and soft tissue massage prior to manipulation you are preparing the soft tissue structures for the stretch that occurs during manipulation. We believe this is a critical component is successfully manipulating any joint structure.

How do I know if I need a cervical manipulation?

A patient who presents with loss of range of motion and associated pain in a joint complex are prime candidates for manipulation. We have had patients who have entered our office and during their exam reveal that they have had a certain joint restriction for more than 10 years. They might have been in a motor vehicle accident, or slipped downstairs as a teenager and never bothered to get treatment.

Some patients sought treatment but were never diagnosed properly and have had to just live with the pain. Chiropractic manipulation was the appropriate treatment for their condition and wound up changing their lives.

What are the benefits of a chiropractic cervical manipulation?

Inside of your spinal canal there are miles and miles of nerve fibers. These nerve fibers innervate every organ and tissue in your body. By freeing up joint restriction and allowing the bodies to move correctly you are giving yourself the best chance to live a pain-free healthy life. Joints that move free of restriction stay healthy longer, and affect the joints above and below them in a positive way. As an example we have had patients who have their pelvis manipulated and explain that their knee is no longer bothering them.

Another example is a patient with neck pain who receives an adjustment and no longer suffers from headaches. Patients with mid back pain have found their manipulations have helped with digestion issues, and breathing problems. If you understand the anatomy and how everything ties together it becomes clear how these types of manipulations can have these types of positive effects.

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