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Cerebral Palsy and Chiropractic Care

Cerebral Palsy is a disease that affects the neurological and musculoskeletal system robbing a person of their ability to maintain posture and balance.  This is caused by damage to the developing brain and was once thought to occur from a lack of oxygen to the brain. Recent studies state that CP can also occur either before or during the birthing process, and up to one year after birth.

Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy

Symptoms can vary in severity depending on the type of Cerebral Palsy the person has. While some people can lead a fairly trouble free life with minimal difficulties, others require significant care and assistance. Symptoms include but are not limited to poor coordination and balance, uncontrollable movement patterns, and stiffness of muscle.

How Chiropractic Care can Help a Patient With Cerebral Palsy

Chiropractic manipulation by definition is a form of manual therapy designed to treat various musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. The primary role of a chiropractor is to restore proper spinal alignment which in turn reduces pain and stiffness and increases range of motion.

The chiropractic adjustment helps improve blood flow, normalize nerve function and reduce inflammation. Proper alignment is critical for pain relief and optimal function. When applied effectively it is an integral part of a patients healing process.

Here at The Center For Spine Care and Mobility we incorporate other forms of chiropractic soft tissue manipulation such as Active Release Technique and Graston Technique. These complementary procedures give our patients options when it comes to effective treatment protocols.

Here is an excerpt from an article written by a chiropractor who has successfully treated patients with CP.

Dr. Dan Van Roon, of the Van Roon Chiropractic in Massachusetts, wrote that an 8-year-old girl with cerebral palsy, who suffered from frequent seizures and tremors, was treated with chiropractic care after previous medical efforts (physical therapy, acupuncture) failed to work. Within nine weeks of receiving chiropractic intervention, which included 22 chiropractic adjustments, her mother reported that the child was able to walk upright and walk up stairs by herself, two things she was previously incapable of doing. The young girl’s parents also reported that not only were her muscles not as limp, she also gained confidence, walked steadier, and had a large improvement in her emotional state.

At the Center for Spine Care and Mobility (CSC+M), we offer the most comprehensive form of rehabilitation by leveraging our midtown NYC chiropractors and integrating other treatment modalities like physical therapy, massage therapy, medical services, and acupuncture.

If you have questions regarding our NYC chiropractors and treatment of cerebral palsy, feel free to reach out to us.


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