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The Benefits of Collagen Supplementation

The Benefits of Collagen Supplementation

Benefits of Taking CollagenCollagen is a protein contained in our muscles, tendons, ligaments and skin. This protein has an important role in maintaining the integrity of our connective tissues throughout our bodies. As we age the collagen begins to degenerate and ultimately compromises those tissues.

To combat these changes, one can take a collagen supplement. There are many benefits for taking a collagen supplement including: decreasing joint pain, decreasing bone loss, improving muscle mass, and improving heart and skin health.

Joint Health

Collagen is abundantly present in the cartilage that lines our joints. This rubbery cartilage provides a protective layer to our joints. As we age, the amount of cartilage decreases and leads to potential problems, such as osteoarthritis.

Supplemental collagen has been proven effective for improving joint health in several clinical trials. From these studies, it was learned that collagen taken orally can accumulate into the joint spaces and promote increased collagen synthesis and reduce joint inflammation. To effectively reduce pain, studies state to take 8-12 grams daily.

Decrease Bone Loss

As we age there is a moderate amount of degeneration that happens to our bones. This degeneration may lead to osteoporosis. When the integrity of a bone is compromised, it is much easier to sustain a fracture.

It has been found through trails that collagen supplements can decrease bone breakdown. These studies used 5 grams of collagen daily. It must be noted that more research needs to be done for this to be considered a clinically significant benefit for decreasing bone loss. With that said, the future looks promising.

Improve Muscle Mass

Collagen makes up 1-10% of our muscles, therefore it is a large proponent in keeping our muscles healthy. Researchers have noted that collagen increases the production of creatine after exercising. Creatine helps to increase muscle mass and improve one’s athletic performance.

Improve Heart Health

Collagen is considered one of the fundamental building blocks of our arteries. When collagen decreases the arteries become weak which can ultimately lead to atherosclerosis (narrowing and thickening of the arteries) and potentially a heart attack. Collagen taken daily has been proven to decrease the stiffness of arteries, improving the overall health and function.

Collagen has also been found to improve levels of HDL (good cholesterol), which reduces risk of developing adverse heart conditions.

Improve Skin Health

Collagen is most well known for its benefits in skin health. Collagen is what keeps our skin youthful. As we age our collagen decreases, our skin gets drier and we develop wrinkles. Taking supplemental collagen will slow this aging process down and improve skin elasticity.


Collagen has many benefits with little side effects. More research needs to be done in the field for long term impacts of supplemental collagen, but overall it is safe to say that collagen supplementation is worth trying.

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