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Acupuncture to Treat Infertility

At our NYC Acupuncture office, infertility is one condition we treat through the use of acupuncture, moxibustion, dietary therapy and lifestyle adjustments.

In general, acupuncture treats infertility by regulating the menstrual cycle. Irregular menstrual issues includes irregular intervals between periods, but also includes other issues such as alleviating pain, resolving issues with PMS, alleviating digestion issues during menstrual periods, lengthening certain phases of the menstrual cycle, i.e. follicular and/or luteal phases, and achieving regular cycles, especially if women have a tendency to skip months.

Acupuncture to Regulate Menstrual Cycles

The menstrual cycle informs us of the overall state of a women’s health and allows us to make adjustments in dietary or lifestyle.

Ideally a woman should have a period every 28 days. The bleeding should last between 5-7 days with minimal pain and normal bleeding. Normal bleeding is not too heavy or too light, the color should be normal red, not dark or pale. If the cycle runs faster meaning the period comes earlier than 28 days, it indicates a heat condition.

“Heat” Conditions in Acupuncture

Women may have a tendency to feel hot at night, experience anxiety, insomnia, and night sweating. Women with heat conditions should avoid hot foods and drinks which include coffee, alcohol, spicy food, and include more cooling foods such as lightly steamed vegetables, salads (if the digestion is strong), and fruits. Women with shorter cycles may have a shortened follicular phase. The follicular phase is the first half of the menstrual cycle prior to ovulation.

The follicular phase is most influenced by the hormone estrogen. In these cases the natural production of estrogen may be lacking. We may see a weaker follicular phase indicated in the basal body temperature chart. Acupuncture in these conditions would focus on clearing heat, and checking for obstruction patterns in the channels that influence the reproductive organs. These channels include the kidneys, liver, and pancreas.

“Cold” Conditions in Acupuncture

In contrast, cycles that run longer than 28 days are considered a cold condition. These cases we will need to use acupuncture, moxibustion, and dietary changes that benefit the warming function of the body. Lamb is one of the warmest meats in Chinese medicine and should be eaten regularly 1-3 times per week if women have longer cycles or even skip months entirely. Bone broth and soups should be encouraged instead of the colder foods such as salads and raw foods.

Diet for Menstrual Cycle Regulation

Warming spices such as dill, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and peppers should be added as well. In my experience as a New York City acupuncturist, channel acupuncture in these cases mostly focus on the kidneys to warm the body and regulate menstruation. Often times women with longer cycles may have an irregular luteal phase.

This is indicated by examining the basal body temperature chart, it may show that the basal body temperature lacks a strong rise during ovulation and the second half of the chart may seem short in comparison with the follicular phase. Sometimes when women aren’t menstruating regularly, they are given progesterone. In acupuncture we use moxibustion to encourage a women’s natural production of progesterone, which will regulate the cycle without the need for medication.

As an acupuncturist practicing in Flatiron, NYC have seen acupuncture work wonders on infertility in cases of polycystic ovarian cysts and premature ovarian failure. In addition to treating infertility, we also treat other issues associated with menstruation including painful menses, mood-swings/pms, insomnia, etc. Our goal at our Flatiron acupuncture office is to help you feel most comfortable in your body during one of the most uncomfortable times of the month.

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