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Acupuncture for TMJ

Acupuncture is an effective therapeutic approach for temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ).

As an acupuncturist practicing in Flatiron, NY, I have seen that TMJ often has a mental emotional stress component. Often times, my patient’s report elevated pain levels and clenching when stress levels increase. Acupuncture and/or herbs may be employed to treat both the stress and anxiety and TMJ if both conditions are related.

TMJ Patient — Acupuncture Case Study

I recently treated a TMJ case that had an underlying stress component. A female is her mid 20’s came to our Flatiron office having bilateral jaw pain which was worse in the morning. She had seen her dentist and was fitted for a night guard to prevent clenching and keep her jaw in proper alignment, but her pain levels continued. In addition to the jaw pain, she experienced headaches, anxiety and stress. Her anxiety manifested in the digestive system. Whenever she was stressed out (which was everyday) she would have bouts of diarrhea 4/day. When the anxiety worsened she would feel nauseated and would vomit. In addition, she had poor sleep, and very painful periods.

In this case, our patient had problems in the liver, gallbladder, stomach and spleen channels.

There is a special relationship between the liver, gallbladder and stomach and spleen systems. In the figure you can see the inner arrow from liver gallbladder pointing towards stomach and spleen.

The liver in Chinese medicine helps regulate emotions and stress levels, when it fails to function, and a person is under too much stress it may impair the stomach and spleen channels resulting in digestive issues. In fact, if any organ system malfunctions rather than moving sequentially (outer pentagon), as it would if the organ system is healthy, it moves in a trans Since the liver channel also passes through the reproductive organs, painful periods and premenstrual syndrome occur when this channel is not working properly.

TMJ Acupuncture Channel Examination

Upon examination, our patient showed changes on 2 of the 4 aforementioned systems, mainly the spleen and liver. She also exhibited changes along the lung channel.

Treatment of TMJ with Acupuncture

The treatment principles for this case involve treatment of these 4 channels. In general the liver becomes “overactive” and the digestive center becomes “under active” and weak. When systems are overactive, we need to promote circulation from the excessive system to the weakened system.

The acupuncture point regions involved Liver 2, St 36, Sp-3 as the main combination. Points were also chosen along the jaw, abdomen, and lower back to strengthen her digestive system. In addition, she received chiropractic care to release the pterygoid muscles and realign her spine.

Results of Treating TMJ With Acupuncture

After two sessions she experienced less tension in her jaw. After 3 acupuncture sessions her digestion improved, but because of her disposition, her condition would improve but would regress. In addition, she also noted less pain during her periods. During later sessions we employed herbal therapy to further decrease her stress and strengthen her digestive system, but unfortunately after 9 sessions she moved back to the west coast.

Although we weren’t able to fully cure the condition during these 9 sessions, she had notable improvement overall especially in her digestive system. Once again I find if the digestive system is not functioning optimally, treatment may not progress as quickly. I am confident within 4-6 months of continued therapy her condition would have stabilized completely.

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