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7 Incredible Health Benefits of Walking

Walking is not only the most convenient form of exercise there is but it also has proven health benefits for all age groups and all people of various fitness levels. In this article, we will address the significant health benefits of walking.

Burn Calories

If you are looking for an easy way to maintain your weight or lose some extra pounds, look no further than the sidewalk outside your door! The calories that are burned during a walk will vary with the speed, distance, terrain and your overall weight.

Improve Heart Health

The American Heart Association has conducted research that states walking a minimum of 30 minutes 5 days a week can decrease your likelihood of developing heart disease by 19%. For increased benefits do even more than 30 minute a day!

Decrease Blood Sugar

Taking a 15 minutes walk after each of your meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) can help reduce blood sugar levels.

Minimize Joint Pain

Walking stimulates the lubricant in our joints that help us to feel less stiff and achy. Walking also helps strengthen our muscles to help to support our joints.

Boost Immune Function

A study was performed on 1,000 adults during flu season to see if a 30 minutes walk a day would help improve immunity. The study concluded that those that walked 30 minutes a day had 43% fewer sick days than those that didn’t.

Increase Energy Levels and Mood

Don’t grab for the caffeine, just take a walk! Walking improves overall circulation and provides us that beautiful oxygenation our body craves. Walking also increases cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine which all help us stay energized naturally!

Extend Your Life

Keeping an average walking pace of about 3.1 mph is directly correlated with a 20% reduced risk of death.

As you can see, there are many health benefits to walking. Go out for a 30 minute walk daily and experience it for yourself!

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